Animaze Sample Sources & Resources

A clarification on the terminology used in general regarding Animaze sources and resources:
  • Sources, also referred to as Assets, are model files that can be modified in 3rd party modeling and animation software. Sources are: .vrm files, .glb files, .model3.json (all Live2D models' runtime files), .fbx files, .hdr (HDRI Cubemaps for Skybox). Sources need to be imported - compiled to Animaze-friendly format - through Animaze Editor import functions, or in the case of some formats (vrm, glb, Live2D), the import can also be done directly in the Animaze Desktop app. At import, sources will be copied in the Animaze Editor's Data/Assets/ folder.
  • Resources are ready to use Animaze item files (avatars, props, backgrounds, etc.) and can only be configured further in Animaze Editor. Resources are .model, .item, .anim, .meta, etc. Resources can be copied between Animaze Editor and Animaze Desktop, although the recommended path is to use the bundling method, the bundle function that creates a .avatar file that can be added in Animaze Desktop through item galleries (avatars, backgrounds, props, etc.). Resources reside in the Data/Resources/ folder of all Animaze products (Animaze Editor, Animaze Desktop).
Why need a distiction between Sources and Resources? Resources can be loaded much faster at runtime, don't depend on the source of geometry, animations, textures, and there are multitudes of options that can be added the the asset itself that otherwise wouldn't be possible through the source file format (e.g. color & scale customizations, retargeting options, physics, special action configurations, etc.).

We've compiled several resources (FBX/Live2D/Texture sources and ready-to-use Animaze Editor Resources) that serve as learning materials or even as starting points for your custom avatar identity:

- stripped down female persona sources
- stripped down male persona sources
- frog avatar sources
- one Live2D model sources
- crown prop sources
- one sample background

- ready to be used with iPhone Tracker & Direct Expression Mapping option

Complete Avatar Sources w/ Animated Normal Maps and Specular Maps - Avatar Lily
- Live2D Cubism Project for animated normal maps and specular maps
- Live2D ready to use animated normal maps and specular maps 

- use this model to debug and visualize how the ARKit blendshapes are applied by Animaze on the model. The model can be directly imported into Animaze app as well as Animaze Editor.

- use this model to debug and visualize how the ARKit blendshapes are applied by Animaze on the model. The model can be directly imported into Animaze app as well as Animaze Editor.

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