Visual Face Tracker: Simplified Experience

Sometimes complexity is not the answer. Sometimes, accurate emotion tracking is not the point of what people want to do with avatars.

For certain entertainment situations, a more controlled or simplified expression palette might actually work better, particularly for cartoon avatars. In those cases, simplified emotion tracking settings, with less finesse, may actually be a better fit.

You can freely use the Advanced Tracking Configuration or the Overrides to turn off a lot of the complexity around any of the face features. Turn off what is not useful, and have the avatar that only reacts to large, clear, expression changes, and forget about tracking the subtle details.

Running a simpler avatar experience on fewer face shapes/mouth shapes can work really well in scenarios where the avatars are not used for the purpose of creating an emotional communication bridge to your audience, but rather provide a “safety wall” to hide behind while being an entertainer on a video stream.

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